Applicable Regulations
- REGULATORY AGREEMENT 14540/2022 of 15th June that approves the regulation governing recruitment of research staff at the university under chapter 6 allocation of the budget, as well as technical and operational research staff (FOU no. 539 of 29th July)
- EXECUTIVE AGREEMENT 15602/2024 of 4th September that regulates the remuneration of research staff, technical staff and research support managers, assigned to projects, competitive adjustments for staff recruitment, research structures , chairs, conventions and contracts article 60, in which this university participated . (FOU no. 576 of 20th September)
- EXECUTIVE AGREEMENT 14892/2023 of 19th April that recognises salary rises for research staff under chapter 6 allocation at the University of the Balearic Islands. (FOU no. 552 of 28th April)
- EXECUTIVE AGREEMENT 15681/2024, of 16th October, on the recognition of services provided to labor personnel included in article 4 of Executive Agreement 15602/2024, of 4th September, which regulates the remuneration of research personnel and technical and management personnel supporting research assigned to projects, competitive aid for the hiring of personnel, research groups, chairs, agreements and contracts of article 60 of Organic Law 2/2023, of March, of the university system, in which the University of the Balearic Islands participates. (FOU no. 580, of November 22th)
- EXECUTIVE AGREEMENT 14390/2022 of 2nd March that establishes the standard annual working hours for UIB staff (FOU no. 533 of 25th March)
- Law 17/2022 of 5th September, which modifies Law 14/2011, of 1st June, on Science, Technology and Innovation
- Organic Law 2/2023, of March 22nd, of the University System
- Workers' Statute
- Royal Decree-Law 32/2021 of 28th December on Urgent Measures for Labour Reform, Employment Stability Guarantee and Labour Market Transformation
- Royal Decree-Law 8/2022 of 5th April that adopts urgent measures in job recruitment for the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System